Grow our future.
It’s on this assumption that we found our way on organic agriculture.
In a land where the soil is rich in elements and thanks to a mild climate which helps the cultivation of olive trees, we can do our job in the right way.
We respect natural resources, soil fertility, biodiversity and banning all the pesticides used in massive agriculture.
Organic farming, sustainability and respect of the environment: organic olive grows since 1995.
We are the first Amerino company that have had the organic certification in 1995 for our biological way to grow our 6000 olive trees.
The olive mill and the supply chain were certified around 2000.
We completely respect our environment avoiding the exploitation of natural sources: we do not use synthetic products, we grow native olive trees; we use natural products and we protect our olive trees thanks to products that respect the environment.
There are a lot of benefits to using organic agriculture: for our health, for our planet and for the quality of Suatoni Organic EVOO which is produced in a short supply chain regime.

Villa San Valentino Farm House and Synergistic Agriculture.
Lately we had started a collaboration with Libera Scuola di Agricoltura Sinergica Emilia Hazelip which help us to organize professional classes of synergistic agriculture on the ground of Villa San Valentino Farmhouse.
It is a way to cultivate the soil thanks to a set of good practices which help to maintain soil fertility.
This kind of agriculture is based on permaculture: while the earth makes the plants grow, the plants themselves, through the roots, the organic residues and their natural chemical activity with the synergy of microorganisms, bacteria, fungi and earthworms, generate a fertile soil.
The products generated thanks to synergetic agriculture have a higher quality, becoming a ‘panacea’ for our immune system.
Synergistic Agriculture’s principles.
There are four basic principles:
- The soild should never be processed: the soil must not be “disturbed” with plowing or other activities, the roots, aided by the fauna and microorganisms of the subsoil, will be our ploughshare and our hoe.
- No fertilizer: fertilizing the soil meaning help it with mulching which is the creation of an organic cover.
- No synthesis treatment: everything which is not natural is banned.
- No soil compaction: soil have the ability to self-ventilate.
The four principles are applied on pallets, which is the subdivision of the garden into flower beds that allow you to identify the place where it is grown, and the one where you walk (compacting the soil). Furthermore, vegetables, flowers, herbs, medicinal herbs and fruit trees are planted to create a varied and biodiverse environment in which antagonistic animals and insects can live in harmony and synergy with the soil.
A right balance of synergies then allows us to limit parasitic attacks and create a dynamic system where plants actively participate in mutual well-being and once again become protagonists of the natural fertility of the soil.