Located in the territory of the charming Umbrian village of Montecampano, our centuries-old historic Rajo olive grove is a true biodiversity heritage of the Amerino area.
A centuries-old olive grove with over 300 Rajo olive trees.
A vast expanse of more than 300 Rajo olive trees, estimated by experts from the CNR of Perugia to be between 400 and 600 years old, offers a breathtaking view of one of our most representative olive groves—also home to centuries-old Moraiolo olive trees, which published studies have confirmed to be their pollinators.
The Rajo variety, with several confirmed synonyms, has been known since ancient times.
In the book “Dizionarietto della campagna amerina. Saggio di voci proprie usate nel contado della città di Amelia ed in taluni altri luoghi dell’Umbria” (Rosa Edilberto, 1907), an explanation of the name Rajo is provided:
“Rajo means ray, from radius: (…). In Amelia, ‘rajo’ refers to the fruit of a variety of olive tree because its shape resembles a small weaving shuttle (oliva raja), and ‘raja’ is also used to refer to the tree that bears it. Even in Roman times, a type of elongated olive, mentioned by Virgil in the Georgics, was distinguished by this name.”
The tree exhibits high vigor, with an expansive and medium-dense canopy. It is tolerant to cold temperatures.
The mature leaf is elliptical-lanceolate in shape, measuring an average length of 5-7 cm and a width of 1-1.5 cm. At full ripeness, the fruit takes on a purplish-black hue, and its ripening period is late, around the first ten days of November.

The Rajo of Amelia: An Indigenous Excellence
The extracted Rajo oil is characterized by herbaceous olfactory sensations, balsamic notes, hints of thistle, tomato, and walnut husk, with a pronounced bitterness and spiciness.
Its high polyphenol content distinguishes it from other Umbrian cultivars.
From the unique genetics of these olive trees comes the Monocultivar Rajo from Frantoio Suatoni, an excellence recognized by many experts and awarded in international competitions for its unique organoleptic properties.